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Term Deposits

Maximise the growth potential of your cash by making use of attractive interest returns and possible currency appreciation. SBI, Frankfurt is a member of "Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes deutscher Banken (BdB)".

Interest rates for amount upto EUR/USD/GPB 200,000* (The interest rates are subject to a review on 28.02.2025).

Period Euro US-Dollars Pounds
1 month 1.70% 3.05% 2.10%
3 months 2.75% 3.65%  2.55%
6 months 3.00% 4.50% 3.10%
9 months 3.05% 4.70% 3.25%
12 months 3.10% 4.80% 3.65%
18 months 2.80% NA NA
24 months 2.80% NA NA

*For deposits in excess of EUR/USD/GPB 200,000, kindly contact Ms. A.Bhattacharjya, Senior Vice President at +49-69-27237-123 for interest rates.

Please note that fixed-term deposits are also available for non-standard maturities with the option to choose start and end dates.

Please note that premature encashment is normally not permitted. Interest is payable on simple (non compounding) basis. Tax, as applicable, is recovered at source as per local laws. Interest rates are subject to change from time to time. A deposit, once accepted, however, is not subject to such changes in interest rate.

For more details, please contact:

Ms. A.Bhattacharjya
Tel. +49-69-27237-123
please click here for e-mail