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Bilateral Loans

At State Bank of India, we understand how much hard work goes into building a successful corporate. We understand that your business is very important to you and you can deal with a bank which keeps pace with the growing needs of your corporate.

German Mittelstand Enterprises, who want to build businesses in the emerging markets are special target of our attention for Bilateral Loans. We appraise their credit needs on one-to-one basis and provide working capital finance, term loans and trade finance to enable them to spread their footprints across India and other markets.

The cost of such funding is kept low in keeping with the risk profile of the German Mittelstand and our commitment to associate ourselves with this sector. Such loans are usually secured by the primary security of stocks and receivables.

Our approach to bilateral debt financing is wholly geared to the diverse needs of our clients. Our objective is to offer creative, client-specific solutions across the wide range of debt products and markets.

For more details, please contact:


Mr. I. Graupe
Tel. +49-69-27237-143
please click here for e-mail